Stellar Night: Salt and Stars

A Night Trip to the Past


Saelices de la Sal Salt Flats


40.9021078, -2.3294689



Join us in a unique experience that combines the beauty of traditional inland salt flats with the wonder of the nocturnal universe. During the Stellar Night in the Salinas, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of glistening salt under a starry sky. We invite you to spend a night between Salinas and Estrellas.


History and culture: We will take a guided tour of the salt flats, where you can learn about its history and cultural importance, and enjoy the sunset.

Stargazing: Far from the city lights, the salt flats offer a perfect setting for stargazing. Our expert astronomical guides will take you on a journey through the cosmos, pointing out constellations, planets, the moon and other celestial objects (depending on the date).

Astronomical Talk: Learn about the formation of stars, the moon, and planets so you can better understand what you are observing.

Activity Details:

Duration: 3 hours.

Schedule: It starts at sunset (exact time depending on the time of year) to enjoy the day-night transition. There will be a stop for some dinner. All details when booking.

Small Group: To ensure a personalized experience, we limit the group to a small number of participants.

Includes: Guided tour of the salt flats and the night sky, specialized guides, astronomical talk, observation with telescopes.

Ferris Wheel and Stars


  • Wear appropriate clothing for the night, as temperatures between day and night can drop quite a bit.
  • Bring a chair to rest.
  • Bring a drink, hot or cold, depending on your tastes.
  • Red light flashlight to preserve night vision.
  • Bring your camera and take some spectacular photographs, combining the sunset, the salt and the salt flats; or the stars and the salt flats, if the night allows it.


The price of the activity €25* per person. Children up to 4 years old can participate for free, and children up to 14 years old have a 40% discount**

Note: This activity of astrotourism It is a unique experience that combines the beauty of traditional inland salt flats with the magic of stargazing. We invite you to explore the world of stars while you immerse yourself in an exceptional saline landscape. This activity isIt is carried out during spring and summer, as long as weather conditions are favorable.

(*) All prices include VAT 21%

(**) Children must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum 2 children per adult.